Bloodmoon is one of 6 Arena maps that released with Mirage: Arcane Warfare. Bartek (Level Designer) and I worked on the initial Pitch and Design, while I worked on the Level Art Kit and Art Pass. We utilized a new way of pitching ideas for these Arena maps, which focused on making sure each of our new maps would be adding something unique to our game. I wanted to use this map to breathe a bit more life into our game's world. The map is nestled in a Riad courtyard which is surrounded by the City, where the Bloodmoon celebration is taking place. The map features crowds cheering as fireworks go off in the distance and lamps fly upwards towards the night sky.
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Mirage: Arcane Warfare was a huge collaborative effort by our small, talented team at Torn Banner Studios. Please take the time to check out the rest of the team on Linkedin -